We passionately believe that 21st century brand-building requires a fusion of insight, creative ingenuity and faultless execution. Click on the case studies below to view our recent projects.
We don't believe in a 'one-size fits all' approach. Every business faces unique challenges specific to their industry. Our holistic brand planning process guarantees a bespoke marketing strategy for each client. Moreover, media-neutrality allows us to engineer a project team specific to each strategy we author; hand-picked from our network of award-winning creative partners.
Expertise: Technologist
Expertise: Research
Expertise: Augmented Reality
Expertise: Fashion PR
Expertise: Global Trends
Expertise: Design
Expertise: Brand Alchemy/Strategy
Expertise: Wordsmith
Everything I do is about finding the story, and the true voice to tell it in. So let me tell you a story about story-telling …
One day ninety years after it happened, the British and Australian Governments found 6,000 allied soldiers who’d gone missing during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. They asked me to help them tell the story as they re-interred them in a live broadcast.
From the moment they asked, it was so clear how we had to tell this story! Our voices and our words should be entirely absent - so the voices of these soldiers could speak. We had to find those voices in their journals, their diaries, their letters home.
Gradually, from fragments, we pieced the story together as these young men wrote about joining up, embarking for France, reaching the training camps, going up to the Front Line, waiting through the long night to go over the top – into oblivion.
Every word was theirs, read by their descendants, with no other adornment.
The only bit I wrote was about the rediscovery of these missing soldiers 90 years later. Early on, the archaeologists found the unused part of a return railway ticket to Adelaide in the gas mask of a 19 year old Australian private. In the Front Line your gas mask was the safest place to keep something precious. For this young man, his most precious possession was his ticket home.
In that story was every story.
And my story too. To be absent, so those present can speak in their true voice. To listen, so their story is heard.
That’s not humility – it’s the buzz I get. It’s what I do.
Expertise: Photography
Expertise: Media
Expertise: Mentoring
Expertise: Global Trends
If you want to future-proof your company with genuinely innovative brand campaigns that help you stand out from the competition, contact us on +44 161 883 0775 or letstalk@thebrandalchemy.com.